Rua Boa Vista, 950 – Boa Vista, Barreirinhas – MA / CEP: 65590-000 – Brasil
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The River Preguiças in its 120km of extension has few beaches. One of them is in the center of Barreirinhas, but it is not very suitable for bathing. The best ones are on the left bank of the river and are more original, more native.

The town of Tapuio has some of these small beaches and offers a great bathing option and an interesting tour for those who value the contact with the local population, their habits and culture. In addition to a river bath you can have a good beer and taste regional dishes and snacks at affordable prices. It is a good walk for that day off or an afternoon without programming.

With calm waters the region is excellent for practicing stand up. The Encantes do Nordeste offers this service, just consult our agency or reception. From the deck of our Restaurant Bambaê, in about 20 minutes of voadeira (boat), you arrive at the village of Tapuio.

In the same place, a visit to the flour house of Mrs. Maria Jose is also very interesting. There you can know the whole process of production of homemade cassava flour. And in the late afternoon at the river’s edge sloths the sunset is lovely. Well worth a visit.